We are pleased to announce publication of
Sari Dienes Who I Am?!
Two major essays fill this comprehensive look at the life and career of Sari Dienes (1898-1992). Her career spanned 60 years and is a catalog of the history of modern art in Paris, London and New York from 1930 through her death at age 93. There is no way to categorize her work, as she approached art with a spirit of experimentation and “now-ness”. The ever changing now is one way to describe her work. From surrealist pointillism, abstract expressionism, surface printing, sculpture, ceramics, calligraphy, textile design, collage, oil, watercolor, multi-media painting, work in graphite, pastel, etching, the list doesn’t stop, through copy art, plaster collage, mirror collage, glass and bottle sculpture…. 112 pages, with 175 illustrations and 144 endnotes makes this a definitive survey, produced by the Sari Dienes Foundation, and is as close as possible to authenticated writing on her life and artwork. Originally begun as a celebration of the University of the Arts Philadelphia Art Alliance Sari Dienes solo exhibition in 2021 curated by Sid Sachs, the book expanded to be much more in depth than a catalog of an exhibition. Intended to accompany the film Sari Dienes: A Life In Art produced in 2021 by Barbara Pollitt, Adrian Hayman and Rip Hayman. The film, endnotes, and additional figures can be linked through the QR code on Page 3 or on the Sari Dienes website Research page.
Thank you!
Barbara Pollitt, Curator Sari Dienes Foundation
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Sari Dienes Who I Am?!
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